Contact Advising Center

We are located on the 2nd floor of the Saulsbury Campus Center

Virtual Advising Hours are Mon.-Thurs. 8a-7p, Fri. 8a-5p and Sat. 9a-12p.

Call us at 432-335-6433, email us at or contact your Academic Success Coach directly.

When emailing OC staff, please do the following so we may better assist you.
  • Email from your OC email account (
  • Include your full first and last name.
  • Include your 7-digit student ID number.
  • 包括详细的课程信息:学期,前缀,编号和章节(17/FA, 1)st 8-weeks, ENGL 1301.F01C).​


Student Completion Secretary


Miranda RamirezSecretary to Advising, joined the Odessa College team in the Spring of 2023. 她在敖德萨出生和长大,并在欧亚体育获得了通识研究的副学士学位. 她一直对护肤很感兴趣,所以她也考取了美容师执照. In her free time, she enjoys baking, being with family and friends, traveling, attending concerts and playing with her dog Otis. 她热衷于帮助他人,并为帮助指导学生的大学之旅而感到兴奋!


Phone: 432-335-6433 | Email:  

BAAS Program Coordinator


Lisa Aguilar, Lead Academic Success Coach, BAAS, joined the OC Family in February 2023. 她在欧亚体育获得了应用艺术与科学学士学位,并继续获得了工商管理硕士学位. 在业余时间,她喜欢与结婚15年的丈夫和他们的3个孩子共度时光. 旅行、购物和户外活动是她最喜欢做的事情. Lisa热衷于帮助学生取得成功,并期待着在他们的大学旅程中帮助和指导他们!

Phone: 432-335-6461 | Email:  |  Schedule An Appointment

Meet your Academic Success Coaches! 

School of Health Sciences 


Iris Castro-MoyaLead Academic Success Coach, is an El Pasoan who proudly joined the OC family in May of 2021. Iris获得了埃尔帕索社区学院的教学副学士学位,以及德克萨斯大学埃尔帕索分校的跨学科研究学士学位. 她目前正在安杰洛州立大学(Go Rams)攻读行政领导硕士学位!), and plans to continue her journey assisting within student services. 2022年8月,虹膜成为了一名器官捐赠者,现在和她深爱的父亲共用一个肾脏. 她目前住在莫纳汉斯,德克萨斯州与她的丈夫,三匹马,两只猫和狗. She enjoys outdoor actives and horseback riding. On her spare time, 你会发现她在西德克萨斯探险,回家探亲访友.

Phone: 432-335-6846 | Email:  |  Schedule An Appointment


London BradleyAcademic Success Coach, is originally from Houston, TX, and joined OC in the Summer of 2021. 她在德克萨斯理工大学获得了通识研究学士学位,主修人力资源管理, Communications Studies, and Psychology. 伦敦随后在德克萨斯理工大学获得了传播学硕士学位. Go Red Raiders! 为了好玩,她喜欢探索新的咖啡店,去购物,旅行,尝试新的食物/餐馆! She is excited to help lead students in being successful at Odessa College!

Phone: 432-335-6745 | Email:  |  Schedule An Appointment


Ramsha JavedAcademic Success Coach, joined Odessa College July 2022. Born and raised in Texas, she obtained her Esthetician License in Midland, 后来在欧亚体育获得了生物学和通识研究副学士学位. 然后她搬到波士顿,在马萨诸塞州药学和健康科学学院获得健康科学学士学位. 正是在那里,她目前正在网上完成她的公共卫生硕士学位. Ramsha recently moved back to Odessa to be closer to her husband and family, after getting married in March 2022. 她的丈夫Aun是德克萨斯理工大学二叠纪盆地健康科学中心的一名医生. Ramsha enjoys spending time with family, shopping, trying new restaurants and cuisines, attending community events, and learning about new hobbies when she isn't working or studying. Ramsha is excited to help students at Odessa College work towards their goals.

Phone: 432-335-6438 | Email:  |  Schedule An Appointment 

 School of Liberal Arts & Education


Alyssa HinojosLead Academic Success Coach, Alyssa是土生土长的敖德萨人,目前担任文科学院的首席学术成功教练 & Education at Odessa College. 她在OC工作了八年,喜欢为敖德萨社区的学生服务. Alyssa毕业于敖德萨高中和欧亚体育,她是每个啦啦队的积极成员. 她获得了欧亚体育的副学士学位和UT Permian Basin的学士学位. Alyssa继续她的高等教育,在南罗斯州立大学获得教育学硕士学位. In her spare time, Alyssa enjoys volunteering for Keep Odessa Beautiful, Special Olympics West Texas, the OC Wrangler Food Pantry and Wrangler Pantry Garden.

Phone: 432-335-6823 | Email: |  Schedule An Appointment


Isabel Quintela 她在欧亚体育开始了高等教育,并转学到德克萨斯大学二叠纪盆地分校. She got her Bachelor’s Degree in Children & 目前正在攻读她的特殊教育硕士学位. She taught Early Education for four years, then worked with a community outreach program at UTPB called the First 5 Program. Throughout her career path, 她越来越热衷于鼓励社会认识到高等教育的重要性.  In her free time, she likes to watch movies, play Mario Kart with her husband and son, and go out for evening walks.

Phone: 432-335-6657 | Email: | Schedule An Appointment


April LinaresAcademic Success Coach, 在敖德萨高中期间,她参加了“向上跳跃”课程,并完成了欧亚体育的双学分课程. 2012年,她作为欧亚体育的第一代学生开始了她的学术之旅,同时也在咨询中心担任学生工作者. She graduated with her Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice in 2014. April then transferred to the University of Texas Permian Basin, where she graduated with her Bachelor’s in Criminology and a minor in Sociology. 她目前正在通过UTPB攻读刑事司法管理硕士学位. She loves to spend her free time with family and friends. 她期待着帮助学生完成学业,并与他们一起庆祝他们的教育目标. 

Phone: 432-335-6877 | Email: |  Schedule An Appointment



School of Business & Industry 


Destiny Singh, Lead Academic Success Coach, began her career at Odessa College in June of 2019. Destiny grew up in Downey, California and moved to Texas, in 2017, where she attended Odessa College as a student herself. After earning an associate’s degree in Speech and Rhetorical Studies, 随后,她在德克萨斯大学二叠纪盆地完成了传播学学士学位,辅修心理学. Before joining OC, Destiny worked as a behavioral therapist for children on the autism spectrum, banking, and in the mortgage industry. On her free time, she enjoys reading, finding new restaurants, traveling and spending time with her wonderful pet family.

Phone: 432-335-6756 | Email:  |  Schedule An Appointment


Rodney Hernandez, Academic Success Coach, began his career at Odessa College in 1988, 在过去的33年里,在各个学生服务领域为欧亚体育, including part-time Faculty Adjunct for the Psychology department. Although native to West Texas, 罗德尼在南加州和硅谷长大,一生中有很长一段时间, 在亚利桑那州和新墨西哥州生活了几年之后,最终搬到了德克萨斯州. 罗德尼在阿比林的哈丁-西蒙斯大学获得工商管理学士学位, Texas, and his Master of Education degree in Counseling/Psychology. Before moving to Odessa to work at Odessa College, Rodney worked as a Counselor for the Noah Project in Abilene, a shelter for battered women and children, the Taylor/Callahan/Coleman County Restitution Center, and the Texas Workforce Commission. Rodney enjoys spending time with his wife, a Special Education Teacher at Permian High School, and his twin daughters.

Phone: 432-335-6357 | Email:  |  Schedule An Appointment


Cynthia Patterson, Academic Success Coach, joined the Odessa College team in the Fall of 2022. Cynthia grew up in Hobbs, 2011年搬到敖德萨参加UTPB,在那里她获得了市场营销学士学位. She is also now working on her Master's in Digital Marketing at WGU. Upon completing her Bachelor’s degree, 她继续为敖德萨市工作,然后为米德兰当地的一家非营利组织工作. 她喜欢和朋友、家人在一起,当然还有她的皮毛宝宝克洛伊. 她很高兴能成为OC家庭的一部分,并与学生合作,帮助他们实现自己的目标!

Phone: 432-335-6704 | Email:  |  Schedule An Appointment

M. Abila

Meghan AbilaAcademic Success Coach, joined Odessa College in the summer of 2022. 她在敖德萨长大,并获得了德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(Hook Em)的哲学学士学位!!!),并获得了德克萨斯大学二叠纪盆地分校的工商管理硕士学位. She likes to spend her free time shopping, traveling, going to concerts, and hanging out with her friends and family. She is passionate about higher education and serving others, and is excited to watch students grow and reach their educational goals.  

Phone: 432-335-6409 | Email: |  Schedule An Appointment



Other Contacts:

Athletics | Lisa Aguilar | | 432-335-6461

BAAS | Lisa Aguilar | | 432-335-6461

OCA | Stephanie Galindo | | 432-335-6317

OCTECHS | Linda Granados | | 432-335-6755

Mental Health Counselor | 

Office of Special Populations | Angelica Ramos | | 432-335-6697

Veteran Affairs | Gloria Rangel | | 432-335-6833

General Advising | | 432-335-6433